Excellent research deserves excellent management.
We are committed to further professionalizing and strengthening science & research management.
The network supports science managers by:
- Promoting professional development
- Networking across hierarchies, institutions and national borders
- Development and visibility of the professional field
The network is aimed at science & research managers at universities, research institutions, funding and intermediary organizations, ministries and other institutions.
Through attractive events, targeted cooperations and tions and its own offers, the Network Science Management Network makes a decisive contribution to the professionalization of the profession. According to the motto “Learning through networking”, the network specifically promotes active exchange on a wide variety of topics, beyond the boundaries of your own institution. It is a network to participate in: with strong regional groups on site, an annual conference, thematic working groups and a virtual member area.
Cooperation with Ukrainian Research Managers
We are networking partner of the DAAD Programme “Support for the internationalisation of Ukrainian higher education institutions – continuing education programmes for administrators at Ukrainian higher education institutions in education and academic management (2019 – 2021)”. The current blended learning training course “Management of Internationalisation and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation” has been developed by the International Office (IO) of Leibniz University Hannover (LUH). This course led to the Ukrainian network for research managers, you can find them on Linkedin.
If you want to learn more, get in touch with us!