B3: Freedom in a Nutshell: Ukrainian Experience. Freedom for new ideas in the time of war

Freitag, 13. September 2024, 11:00 – 12:30

The war against Ukraine has highlighted the importance of freedom. In this session, you will get an insight into the perspectives of Ukrainian science managers and discuss with them the topics of academic freedom, curriculum development and quality assurance, learn about some new forms of motivation for young people to engage in scientific activities and the resilience of the PhD school management in the time of constant change, reforms and full-scale invasion. The gender aspect of the transformation of education and science in Ukraine under war conditions and women's assessment of the challenges to freedom in the academic environment will be presented as a part of a sociological survey.

The session is organised in cooperation with the PNRM within the DAAD MoI Ukraine project in which the NWM is a partner.
PNRM: Professional Network of Science and Education Managers of Ukraine (https://pnrm.org/).
MoI Ukraine: Management of Internationalisation and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation (https://www.uni-hannover.de/en/universitaet/internationales/moi-ukraine).

This session will be held in English.


  • Nataliya Butych (moderation)
  • Dr. Oleksandr Khyzhniak (Academic freedom, scientists-refugees from Ukraine)
  • Assoc. Prof. Oxana Bayer (Curriculum and academic freedom in the time of the war)
  • Prof. Maryna Vasylieva and Roman Nesterenko (Science management in the education of young people: challenges and opportunities during the war in Ukraine)
  • Nataliia Shalimova and Viktoriia Gura (Quality assurance of study programs as an effective instrument of higher education improvement: freedom for new ideas in the time of war)
  • Prof. Ganna Tolstanova (The resilience of PhD school management in time of constant reform and the war in Ukraine)
  • Prof. Nataliia Kutsmus and Prof. Inna Semenenko (Gender, freedom and education in the era of war)